Allah is calling
But I do not answer
And when Allah is calling
I just listen to the voices
But I do not answer
And when Allah is calling
I just listen to the voices
Allah is calling
I just answer sometimes
And when Allah is calling
I just listen to the whispers
I just answer sometimes
And when Allah is calling
I just listen to the whispers
Allah is calling
I answer so many times
Allah is calling
I'm tired of them
I answer so many times
Allah is calling
I'm tired of them
Hardly forching myself
I have to accept them all
And that is really me
Who's still not close to Allah
I have to accept them all
And that is really me
Who's still not close to Allah
azan mekkah dan madinah pun buat saya pilu. sesungguhnya panggilan Allah itu sangat menyentuh kalbu saya.
sejak saya jahil dengan tipuan dunia yang melalaikan. sering saya ambil mudah. ya Allah, terima kasih kerana mengetuk pintu hati NurKhairina dengan kasih sayang Mu. aku kini bahagia ya Allah bersamaMu.

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